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Luiz Palhares
Luiz Palhares

5 Fingers (1952).DVD Rip.avi

5 Fingers (1952).DVD Rip.avi

5 Fingers is a 1952 American film noir spy film directed by Joseph L. Mankiewicz and produced by Otto Lang. The screenplay written by Michael Wilson was based on the 1950 book Operation Cicero (original German: Der Fall Cicero) by Ludwig Carl Moyzisch, Nazi commercial attaché at the German embassy in Ankara, Turkey (194344) . The film is based on the true story of Albanian-born Elyesa Bazna, a spy with the code name of Cicero who worked for the Nazis in 194344 while he was employed as valet to the British ambassador to Turkey, Sir Hughe Montgomery Knatchbull-Hugessen. Bazna would photograph top-secret documents and deliver the pictures to Franz von Papen, the German ambassador in Turkey and a former German chancellor, using Moyzisch as the intermediary. James Mason plays Ulysses Diello (Cicero), the character based on Bazna. The film also stars Danielle Darrieux, Michael Rennie, Herbert Berghof and Walter Hampden .


The film was nominated for two Academy Awards: Best Director for Mankiewicz and Best Writing, Screenplay for Wilson. It also won three Golden Globe Awards: Best Motion Picture - Drama, Best Director - Motion Picture for Mankiewicz and Best Motion Picture Actor - Drama for Mason . The film was praised by critics for its suspenseful plot, witty dialogue, stylish direction and superb performances. The film is considered one of the best spy films of all time and one of Mankiewicz's finest works .

The DVD rip of the film is available online for download or streaming. The file name is "5 Fingers (1952).DVD Rip.avi" and it has a size of 1.37 GB. The video quality is good, with a resolution of 720 x 480 pixels and an aspect ratio of 4:3. The audio quality is also good, with a Dolby Digital 2.0 stereo track. The file has no subtitles or extras .

If you are a fan of classic spy films, you should definitely watch "5 Fingers (1952).DVD Rip.avi". It is a thrilling and entertaining film that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the end.



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